Saturday, December 29, 2012

Disposable or Reusable Homemade Baby Wipes and Non Toxic Solution

I started doing this when I started cloth diapering. It's really easy, smells amazing, and is so much gentler than even the sensitive or hypoallergenic baby wipes. I think they work better too, win win in my book!!
I have sensitive skin on my hands and I find that the conventional baby wipes really irritate the tips of my fingers. To the point that they crack and peel. Ouch! I've noticed a huge improvement since using the all natural solution.

Here is the very simple recipe:

2 cups almost boiling water

1TBS of your homemade soap flakes
I use the hemp lavender (see my baby wash post for directions in making the soap flakes. Super easy and economical)

1TBS coconut oil

2-3 drops of Tea Tree oil
It's an anti fungal. Great for baby's skin, and helps keep the musty smell from the wipes.

Mix all ingredients together. I do up a triple batch and store in mason jars. You just have to re heat the liquid before you pour over the wipes if it cools down. It gets a little thick.
I use baby washcloths. I fold them and store them in an old baby wipe container and pour the solution over them.
That's it!!

I also make disposable ones to take along with me, or when I encounter something (ahem) super messy!

I tried cutting a paper towel roll in half and using that, too much fuss, and I didn't like how hard they were to separate.

I combed the paper product isle, and stumbled on Klenex disposable hand towels. They hold up like paper towels when wet, are soft, and you can put them in an old wipe container and they are dispensed just like store bought wipes. Just take them out of the box. Put them in the old wipe container and pour your solution over them. I put a stack about an inch high in, pour a little solution, put another stack on top, push down, repeat.
Here is what they look like: (pic at bottom of the page)

Klenex Hand Towels

Putting the wipes in the old baby wipes container

Pulls out just like the store bought wipes!

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